Este algoritmo pretende fazer interagir as decisões e relações entre máquinas
A Pi é o meu robot inteligente integrado no projecto em Machine Learning
Permite a investigação à robótica e programação nas aulas com jovens e crianças em actividades possibilitando a pesquisa e conhecimento.
De uma forma muito divertida, a Pi – robot inteligente – ajuda a criar um espaço de interacção muito divertido e interactivo com os dispositivos na sala.
“Portugal needs to change its digital education strategy from the use of ICT technology to the understanding of its fundamental elements from Computer Science. This knowledge will empower students to approach a wide variety of problems by developing new digital solutions as well as providing the necessary basis to support the introduction of AI contents. Performing this change in the digital education paradigm in schools can only be accomplished by a new initiative totally devoted to promoting change and new practices among teachers in line with the shift from ICT use to Computing competence (e.g. motivate new networks, communities of practice, grass roots organizations), involving, first and foremost, current ICT teachers, school directors, government, academia and private companies and institutions that understand and share the importance of this change and are available to support it in different ways.“
in Estratégia Nacional de Inteligência Artificial 2030